Baptism is a public profession and celebration of putting your faith in Jesus Christ. It’s a celebration of moving from death to life. We believe that baptism is an important step and a step of obedience, in your faith journey after salvation.
Baptism itself does not make you a believer in Christ or act as salvation, rather it is publicly saying to the world that you put your faith in Jesus and commit to following Him for the rest of your life. Baptism illustrates Christ’s death, burial and resurrection and it symbolizes that our old self is gone, our new self has come and we have been made new & alive in Christ Jesus.
We baptize by immersion because Jesus was baptized in water (Matthew 3:16) and it best illustrate’s Christ’s death burial and resurrection that gives us new life (Romans 6:4)
If you have not put your faith in Jesus and accepted Him as your Savior, you can do so today! To learn more about following Jesus, CLICK HERE.